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Barracuda Web Application Firewall for VMware vCloud Air
Protect Your Web Applications by Extending Your Security With VMware

Barracuda Web Application Firewall for VMware vCloud Air

Barracuda Products
Web App Firewall 360Vx
Barracuda Web Application Firewall Virtual License 360 Subscription
List Price: $4,080.00
Our Price: $3,876.00
Web App Firewall 460Vx
Barracuda Web Application Firewall Virtual License 460 Subscription
List Price: $5,760.00
Our Price: $5,472.00
Web App Firewall 660Vx
Barracuda Web Application Firewall Virtual License 660 Subscription
List Price: $7,920.00
Our Price: $7,524.00

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VMware Ready vCloud AirOverview:

Easily Extend Barracuda Solutions to VMware vCloud Air

Barracuda security and storage offerings can now be deployed in VMware vCloud Air. With VMware Ready—vCloud Air products, Barracuda simplifies customers’ migration to the cloud, seamlessly transitioning their workloads to this leading hybrid cloud provider. Barracuda is a member of the access tier of the vCloud Air ISV program and is listed on the VMware Solution Exchange.

Leveraging hybrid clouds has substantial benefits and everyone wants to take full advantage of them. Since Barracuda’s NG Firewall, Web Application Firewall, Spam Firewall, and Message Archiver can easily run on VMware, these products can easily make the move with you. This provides an easy transition for your critical workloads.

Realizing all that VMware vCloud Air has to offer has never been easier:

Barracuda Networks and VMware vCloud Air – Better Flexibility Together

VMware vCloud Air is a public cloud platform built on the trusted foundation of vSphere; it’s compatible with your on-premises virtualization deployments. This makes it easier to extend existing workloads to the cloud, and spin-up new application VMs. The point is, you have flexibility with VMware and Barracuda’s product portfolio mirrors that flexibility. Our products can be deployed as a virtual appliance within your own data center or within vCloud Air. Our security and storage solutions can be configured wherever your workloads need protection and availability. There is no need to learn a new hypervisor to run our offerings or encounter new vulnerabilities because your storage and security solution is not cloud ready.

Securing Applications and Data in VMware vCloud Air with the Barracuda Web Application Firewall

The Internet is a breeding ground for a limitless array of cybercrimes, making a shift to cloud computing seem untenable. Deploying appropriate security measures within your virtual environment can help fill the gap between traditional on-premises protection and the native capabilities in your chosen cloud platform.

The Barracuda Web Application Firewall virtual appliance for VMware vCloud Air is a scalable security solution that protects online applications from targeted and automated attacks, while providing superior protection against data loss. The solution is backed by security feeds from Barracuda Central, the threat analysis network that provides Real-time Threat Intelligence. Automatic updates provide defense against new threats as they appear. Barracuda’s application security solution is affordable and easy to use. It combines web application security, access control, and optimization in a single package that is easy and intuitive to set up and administer, with no need to learn and manage complex technology.

By integrating the proven application security and data loss prevention capabilities of Barracuda Web Application Firewall with VMware vCloud Air’s native security features, administrators are in a superior position to deploy secure, reliable, and resilient cloud services while meeting any regulatory or compliance needs. Web application firewalls in the cloud put protection where it is most relevant—near to the resources being shared.

The Barracuda Advantage

  • State-of-the-art security utilizing full reverse-proxy architecture
  • Malware protection for collaborative web applications
  • Employs IP Reputation intelligence to defeat DDoS attacks
  • No user-based or module-based licensing
  • Designed to make it easier for organizations to comply with regulations such as PCI DSS and HIPAA

Product Spotlight

  • Comprehensive inbound attack protection including the OWASP Top 10
  • Built-in caching, compression, and TCP pooling ensure security without performance impacts
  • Identity-based user access control for web applications
  • Built-in data loss prevention
  • ICSA certified, NSS recommended
  • Protection against Application DDoS attacks

Constant Protection from Evolving Threats

Constant Protection from Evolving Threats

The Barracuda Web Application Firewall provides superior protection against data loss, DDoS, and all known application-layer attack modalities. Automatic updates provide defense against new threats as they appear. As new types of threats emerge, it will acquire new capabilities to block them.

Identity and Access Management

Identity and Access Management

The Barracuda Web Application Firewall has strong authentication and access control capabilities that ensure security and privacy by restricting access to sensitive applications or data to authorized users.

Affordable and Easy to Use

Affordable and Easy to Use

Pre-built security templates and intuitive web interface provide immediate security without the need for time-consuming tuning or application learning. Integration with security vulnerability scanners and SIEM tools automates the assessment, monitoring, and mitigation process.

Pricing Notes:

Barracuda Products
Web App Firewall 360Vx
Barracuda Web Application Firewall Virtual License 360 Subscription
List Price: $4,080.00
Our Price: $3,876.00
Web App Firewall 460Vx
Barracuda Web Application Firewall Virtual License 460 Subscription
List Price: $5,760.00
Our Price: $5,472.00
Web App Firewall 660Vx
Barracuda Web Application Firewall Virtual License 660 Subscription
List Price: $7,920.00
Our Price: $7,524.00