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Barracuda Email Protection - Phishing and Impersonation Protection
Get AI-based protection from phishing and business email compromise

Barracuda Email Protection - Phishing and Impersonation Protection

Barracuda Products
Barracuda Email Protection - Impersonation Protection User License
Barracuda Email Protection, Impersonation Protection, per User, 1 Year (minimum 25 users)
List Price: $45.60
Our Price: $43.32
Barracuda SaaS Premium Support
SaaS Premium Support, Subscription 1 Year
List Price: $2,880.00
Our Price: $2,736.00


Business email compromise (BEC), spear phishing, and account takeover are today's top email threats. These hyper-targeted attacks trick employees into making costly mistakes. Barracuda combines artificial intelligence and deep integration with Microsoft Office 365 to provide a comprehensive cloud-based solution that guards against these potentially devastating attacks.

Deploy AI-driven security

Barracuda's unique API-based architecture lets its AI engine study historical email and learn users’ unique communication patterns to create an identity graph of each user. It can then identify anomalies in message metadata and content, to find and block socially engineered attacks in real time. This approach, based on historical patterns, is far more accurate than traditional policy based strategies for detecting socially engineered and accounttakeover attacks.

Stop account takeover and lateral phishing

Account takeover lets hackers secretly study their target and plan their attack. Gateway defenses never see the internal attacks that are launched from these compromised accounts, so they can't detect them. Barracuda stops phishing attacks used to harvest credentials for account takeover. It detects anomalous email behavior and alerts IT, then finds and removes all fraudulent emails sent from compromised accounts.

Find what’s hiding in your inbox.

It’s critical to assess and understand your email security vulnerabilities. Using artificial intelligence and API integration with Office 365, the Barracuda Email Threat Scanner is a free tool you can use to find social engineering attacks currently sitting in your mailboxes. Once identified, quickly eliminate existing threats with Barracuda Email Protection, before users are able to interact with them.

Detect threats that email gateways can’t.

Email attacks have been increasing in their complexity and ability to evade traditional defenses. Phishing and impersonation attacks use customized social engineering tactics to trick your email users into providing credentials, paying an invoice, or sharing sensitive documents. Barracuda outsmarts these targeted attacks by recognizing the malicious intent of these messages. Barracuda phishing and impersonation protection works silently in the background to block attacks from reaching their intended targets.

Brand impersonation

Barracuda stops attacks that impersonate well-known brands using high-reputation links to avoid detection.

Business email compromise

Barracuda stops business email compromise and CEO fraud from reaching its intended recipient.

Conversation hijacking

Barracuda stops attempted conversation hijacking and vendor impersonation that can lead to substantial monetary losses.

Stop spear-phishing attacks with AI-driven inbox security.

Barracuda combines an email gateway with direct API integration into your Office 365 environment. This integration provides visibility into internal, external, and historical email communication for every individual in the organization. Barracuda’s artificial intelligence (AI) uses these messages to learn communication patterns within the company and between employees. The API architecture enables the phishing and impersonation protection to identify and block attacks in real time, with no impact on email or network performance.

Identify impersonation attempts before they reach your users.

Barracuda AI uses the metadata from internal, external, and historical emails to create an identity graph for each Office 365 user. The identity graph uses email addresses, document types, names used, natural language analysis (NLP), and other data that define the unique communication patterns of an individual. These learned patterns allow Barracuda to identify behavioral, content, and link-forwarding anomalies in your company’s email communications. This real-time protection secures your inbox from spear phishing, business email compromise, lateral phishing, and other targeted threats.

Remove malicious messages and impersonation attempts in real time.

Barracuda Phishing and Impersonation Protection is unique in that it is continuously hunting for threats and automatically secures the inbox upon threat detection. When an unusual or malicious email is found, it is removed from the inbox before the user can interact with the message. Remediation is done in real time, with notification alerts sent to both users and IT administrators.

Barracuda Products
Barracuda Email Protection - Impersonation Protection User License
Barracuda Email Protection, Impersonation Protection, per User, 1 Year (minimum 25 users)
List Price: $45.60
Our Price: $43.32
Barracuda SaaS Premium Support
SaaS Premium Support, Subscription 1 Year
List Price: $2,880.00
Our Price: $2,736.00