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Barracuda Message Archiver for VMware vCloud Air
Cloud-Connected Archiving for Efficiency and eDiscovery

Barracuda Message Archiver for VMware vCloud Air

Barracuda Products
Message Archiver 150 Vx
Barracuda Message Archiver Virtual License 150 Subscription
List Price: $3,000.00
Our Price: $2,850.00
Message Archiver 350 Vx
Barracuda Message Archiver Virtual License 350 Subscription
List Price: $6,960.00
Our Price: $6,612.00

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VMware Ready vCloud AirOverview:

Easily Extend Barracuda Solutions to VMware vCloud Air

Barracuda security and storage offerings can now be deployed in VMware vCloud Air. With VMware Ready—vCloud Air products, Barracuda simplifies customers’ migration to the cloud, seamlessly transitioning their workloads to this leading hybrid cloud provider. Barracuda is a
member of the access tier of the vCloud Air ISV program and is listed on the VMware Solution Exchange.

Leveraging hybrid clouds has substantial benefits and everyone wants to take full advantage of them. Since Barracuda’s NG Firewall, Spam Firewall, Spam Firewall, and Message Archiver can easily run on VMware, these products can easily make the move with you. This provides an easy transition for your critical workloads.

Realizing all that VMware vCloud Air has to offer has never been easier:

Barracuda Networks and VMware vCloud Air – Better Flexibility Together

VMware vCloud Air is a public cloud platform built on the trusted foundation of vSphere; it’s compatible with your on-premises virtualization deployments. This makes it easier to extend existing workloads to the cloud, and spin-up new application VMs. The point is, you have flexibility with VMware and Barracuda’s product portfolio mirrors that flexibility. Our products can be deployed as a virtual appliance within your own data center or within vCloud Air. Our security and storage solutions can be configured wherever your workloads need protection and availability. There is no need to learn a new hypervisor to run our offerings or encounter new vulnerabilities because your storage and security solution is not cloud ready.

Keep your email infrastructure safe, protected, and fully covered in VMware vCloud Air and on-premises

Email servers that reside in the cloud and on-premises deserve the same level of comprehensive security, simplified user access, email management, along with redundancy and disaster recovery to ensure eDiscovery/compliance. That’s why it’s smart to put Barracuda’s proven solutions on the job - Barracuda Spam Firewall and Barracuda Message Archiver – sharing the same technology and the same suite of features available in our hardware appliances.

Delivered as a virtual appliance, you can deploy the Barracuda Message Archiver in vSphere on premises or in vCloud Air without additional hardware. Barracuda Message Archiver is ideal for organizations looking to reduce their email storage requirements and boost user productivity with easy end-user access to any email ever sent or received. The cloud-connected virtual appliance uses the optional Barracuda Cloud subscription to move information to the cloud for disaster recovery or as a secondary tier of storage. In addition, the Barracuda Message Archiver provides a powerful, yet simple platform for eDiscovery and compliance.

The Barracuda Advantage

  • No per-user or per-server fees
  • Mobile applications for anytime/anywhere access
  • Outlook Add-in for combined mailbox and archive search
  • Automated discovery and import of PSTs
  • Attachment and whole message stubbing

Product Spotlight

  • All-in-one, cloud-connected message archiving appliance
  • Improves mobile user access and productivity
  • Eliminates need for PSTs
  • Reduces email storage costs
  • Federated Search simplifies eDiscovery and compliance

Cloud-Connected Archiving

Cloud-Connected Archiving

The cloud-connected Barracuda Message Archiver uses the Barracuda Cloud to move or copy data to the cloud. Setting policies in "mirror" mode replicates all data to the cloud for disaster recovery purposes. Setting the policy to "Rotate" mode allows the appliance to scale-up and use the cloud as a secondary tier of storage.

Simplify Email Management

Simplify Email Management

Users treat mailboxes as filing cabinets, driving expensive server storage to expand continually. They respond to storage limits by archiving messages locally with PSTs, which are not managed (or even seen) by IT. The Barracuda Message Archiver dramatically reduces demand for email server storage through attachment stubbing, message/attachment deduplicaton, and compression, while also eliminating the need for PSTs.

Streamline eDiscovery and Compliance

Streamline eDiscovery and Compliance

The Barracuda Message Archiver's indexed archive supports extensive search, auditing/permissions, legal hold, and export helping facilitate eDiscovery and retention. An intuitive interface and powerful feature set shortens response time to ensure messages are found easily when needed. Federated search lets users search across appliances and cloud-based data even when email services are unavailable.

Pricing Notes:

Barracuda Products
Message Archiver 150 Vx
Barracuda Message Archiver Virtual License 150 Subscription
List Price: $3,000.00
Our Price: $2,850.00
Message Archiver 350 Vx
Barracuda Message Archiver Virtual License 350 Subscription
List Price: $6,960.00
Our Price: $6,612.00
Message Archiver 450 Vx
Barracuda Message Archiver Virtual License 450 Subscription
List Price: $13,200.00
Our Price: $12,540.00
Message Archiver 650 Vx
Barracuda Message Archiver Virtual License 650 Subscription
List Price: $22,800.00
Our Price: $21,660.00
Call For Lowest Price!