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Barracuda Networks ArchiveOne Files
Dependable File Management and Archiving

Barracuda Networks ArchiveOne

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C2C A Barracuda CompanyBarracuda ArchiveOne Files Overview:

Managing the growing demands for capacity, compliance and discovery is a challenge faced by every organization. ArchiveOne Files provides a powerful and reliable archiving and management solution that makes it easy to manage data no matter where it resides, enabling central control over files, documents and other important data.

The Barracuda Advantage

  • Single platform for capacity, compliance and discovery
  • Manage data in-place, no need to archive first
  • Enables organizations to comply with regulatory demands
  • No change to end user experience
  • No desktop software to install

Product Spotlight

  • Automated data management and disposition
  • Highly configurable to meet specific business needs
  • Granular policy-based approach gives great flexibility
  • Automatically enforces file retention & deletion policies
  • Iterative search and tagging capabilities

Information Management, Retention and Compliance Made Easy

Some of the most important information in your organization is contained in emails and documents that are often among thousands of mailboxes, network file servers and end-user devices. ArchiveOne gives you ownership and control over all of your import communication, documents and other unstructured data. ArchiveOne safely archives your emails and files, making it easy to comply with email retention policies and easy to find information no matter where it resides.

Built on a simple and flexible design, ArchiveOne gives your organization ownership and control over your data and offers a single solution for regulatory compliance, data retention and eDiscovery.

Simple and Scalable Architecture with Transparent Archiving of Files and Email

  • Integrates archiving, compliance policies, search and discovery in a single platform
  • Single search across live and archived data for files and email
  • Intuitive management console allows data to be managed by its business value
  • Scales to tens of thousands of mailboxes across multiple Exchange servers
  • Performance is improved and data backup time shortened
  • No change to the end user experience

ArchiveOne Files addresses the problems caused by ever-increasing volumes of data, and provides IT Administrators with an immediate reduction in volume of storage together with improved performance.

Using ArchiveOne Files to archive older or less relevant data is an effective way to reduce the ongoing costs of storage. Files can be stored more efficiently and searched more easily, and because the archive can be located on less expensive hardware the cost of ownership is also reduced.

Highly configurable information management policies allow IT Administrators to manage the retention and disposition of all their data, whether it is stored on file servers or in an archive, enabling them to meet both internal driven and externally mandated compliance initiatives, and ensuring business-critical information is safely protected and always accessible.

It enables organizations to meet demands for the discovery and collection of data in response to internal investigations, information requests or litigation responses. The granular search and retrieval capability it provides for both live and archived data enable them to implement a robust and comprehensive process for regulatory and legal eDiscovery.

There is no desktop software to be installed on client systems, and no end user training required. Once you have installed ArchiveOne Files on your file servers, users continue to access their files in exactly the same way, regardless of whether a file has been archived or not.

From capacity management, regulatory compliance and data retention legislation right through to eDiscovery activities, ArchiveOne Files provides a single centralized solution.

Reduce storage requirements

Reduce storage requirements

Implement capacity management based on policies to determine intelligently which files to archive. Solve the problems caused by data accumulation, and gain an immediate reduction in storage and improvement in performance without any end user disruption.

Meet compliance requirements

Meet compliance requirements

Apply granular retention and disposition policies to meet corporate strategies for information governance, with no need to archive the data first. Administrators can automate the retention and deletion of files, enabling them to demonstrate compliance with external and statutory regulations and minimize corporate risk.

Enable eDiscovery of data

Enable eDiscovery of data

Undertake search and discovery exercises to identify information needed to meet requests for internal investigations, litigation, FOIA and eDiscovery. All relevant data, whether archived or not, can be easily identified, preserved and collected.